Monday, June 4, 2012

Zombies: Our Future

   Zombies  have been the talk lately, even in the news. Recently being the "Miami Zombie". Everyone has their own opinion about whether or not zombie/zombie apocalypse is real or could happen. Both sides have decent arguments and answers to questions. Personally I think it will at some point or time.
   I can't predict when it will happen. Its questionable if it would happen in our lifetime, although the news shows "signs" of zombie craziness. Honestly, in my opinion, if there were actual signs of a zombie apocalypse the news wouldn't be showing it. It would be like a media blackout about it. We would only know about it when it got out of hand and infected the rest of us, or too large to control. Also we could only guess on how this happened to us. I highly doubt there would be  a reason it did happen throughout the media. If there were something about it, I doubt that it would be the truth. Maybe part of it, but not the whole truth.
   So we can only guess how it would occur. I have my own prediction on how it would occur. I believe it will be our own doing. Now when I say "our" I don't necessarily mean that it would be America causing this chaos. It could be any country. However, I mean the human race will be at fault. More specifically, I think that will be the result of a race for the best tool for biological warfare. Biological terrorism gone wrong. Now this is only my view on it, completely opinion. Now I'm sure readers would like to wonder how I come to this conclusion. So I have a little story to tell (opinion only). This shouldn't be taken seriously by Anyone!

                          Zombies, the Story!
   America is a cautious country. It is also needy, selfish and on the verge of paranoia. With a need to always be the first and the best; war is  no different. There is an ever lasting need to compete for the highest and best recognition. There is just no telling when this could possibly happen. We are always evolving. Everything is constantly changing: technology, people, and warfare included. The always eager country needed to stay ahead of the times, especially in warfare.
   America is faced with the possibility of threat. Its an ongoing thing with many countries continuing to develop weapons of mass destruction. Enemy faces are everywhere. America decides to act fast. The decide to move ahead and work towards a new weapon front: biological warfare. A quick way to neutralize any enemy they may face; a preemptive strike. 
   The government sets up a lab and puts a group of scientists to work. They need to quickly come up with something that is fast acting and will get the job done. A virus is quickly made by mutating two already existing ones together. Now I'm such a task like this just wouldn't happen in a matter or weeks or months, but the team would move as quickly as possible to get what was needed done. Now they have a super virus. One that starts on the cellular level, destroying everything as it enters the blood stream. 
   At some point they need to test this new, super virus. At first they test it on pig flesh, as it resembles that of people. Then, once it has shown that it does what they want, they move onto our primate relatives. Now one of two things happen once they inject it. Either the primate dies, as they foresee and they move to test on a human or the primate becomes infected and the circle of hell begins. Either case works for this hypothetical situation, but for now with will go with the primate just dying. 
   So now the government has one final test. The human one. Well I can't imagine anyone willingly wanting to test this on themselves. I'm sure the government can't either. So the government improvises. They capture a known terrorist and, for his crimes, sentence him to death. Now the media will be told its by lethal injection (the humane type) and they will take it from there, but the government has other plans for him (or her, really doesn't matter).
   The elite scientists set him up in a room to observe him. He is hooked to machines that monitor heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, etc. However, they also what to observe the stages that he goes through, so not only are they observing from a safe distance but there are a couple also in the room. (As you can imagine, he is strapped down.) They inject him, and from that moment they chart the virus' rampage through the body. The terrorist gets the things we would imagine: fever, chills, vomiting blood, paling of the skin, etc. They  continue to observe and chart the progress. Hours have passed (the virus would act quicker in bodies of compromised immune systems) and its showing signs that he should be dying soon. Finally the moment has come that his heart monitor flat-lines. 
   Happy that they created the virus the government wanted, they prepare the final steps. Curious, as scientists typically are, they set in motion his autopsy and clearing the room. What they fail to realize that, even though still hooked to the monitor, the (now) corpse is starting to twitch and move slightly. It is the mild groaning that catches their attention. When they turn to examine him, they don't quite believe what they are seeing. No pulse, not heart beat, and no breathing; yet he's moving and groaning. 
   At that point, the virus has done its complete job. It has also confused the currently gawking scientists. After all this isn't some horrible movie. The, now, zombie starts making violent movies. Being stronger than in life, he's (perhaps) able to free and arm. Though, not enough to cause any real danger, the scientists try to restrain him again (with some help). The zombie continues to  fight, claw, attempt to bite into the closest flesh possible. Terrified, the scientists have no clue what to do. They had never actually seen something of this caliber.
   So the troops are sent in to handle the situation and the smart guys are removed. However, once in the clear, one scientist doesn't realize doesn't realize that not only did he get scratched but it appears that coagulated blood is around it. When he does notice, he thinks nothing of it. It is just a scratch after all, right? So he cleans up and heads home. His day has been quite exhausting.
  I'm sure you can guess what happens. Either he turns into the abominable creature, he helped to make, and bites/kills his family or he unknowingly passes it on to them before turning. He kisses his wife and the virus passes by way of saliva and because it takes a bit longer to absorb into the blood stream, she takes longer to show symptoms. Meanwhile, little Suzie got hurt on the playground and needed mommy to kiss it better. Boom! Another infected. This happens until everything spirals out of control.
   Next thing you know your neighbors are looking for your flesh. Friends and family are either trying to eat you or have managed to survive as well. The question is, though, what do you do for survival? 

With the thought of a virus turning humanity into flesh craving bastards, it leaves me (and maybe you) with some questions.

Is there a possibility of a cure if you have only been infected and haven't turned yet?

Is there a possibility of a percent of people being immune to this virus?

Could you cut off the spread of the virus if you were bitten on your hand/arm/leg/foot and it was amputated fast enough?

Logically thinking, the answer to each of these questions should be a resounding "yes".

Everyday we face the possibility of being infected with some virus and while some there are cures and others have none, it doesn't mean that there couldn't be. I don't mean that we would immediately find one. It would be a process, much like creating it.

An immunity to the virus is also logical. There are immunities to plenty of viruses. I'm not saying that a ton of people would have it. Perhaps just a small percentile of the whole world's population. With that thinking, it could also mean a quicker, potential cure.

Finally, if the virus starts to infect where it enters and can only spread as quickly as blood travels through the body. Then there is a possibility that, if bitten far enough away from that heart, there is  a chance of survival if action is taken quickly.

These are only some of the questions and possible answers.

I know I said I would be doing book reviews, but I also need fillers while I am reading said books. This topic is a clue to the book review I'll be doing on here. The book will be Feed by Mira Grant.

I hope you guys enjoy everything. Just remember, this is all my opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone with my views. Whether it be my opinion about a book or the topic of my fillers.

Also I happily accept requests for books, along with comments on what you all think.

I might even post my Twilight series review on here, even some of you have read it before.  Enjoy and have a good night.



  1. Well done! I really enjoyed this post. I also think it's possible for a "zombie" apocalypse, except I believe it would be a virus that just makes people crazy but not reanimating them after death. And do the twilight series! I loved your explanation of it on FB!
