Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hard Candy: A Movie Review.

Note: So this time, it was suggested that I do a movie review for my filler. Hard Candy to be specific. Not sure if it will be another filler with the upcoming post, but it shouldn't be. I'm already halfway, if not more, through Deadline

Hope you enjoy.


Hard Candy

Director: David Slade
Starring: Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson. With a short appearance by Sandra Oh
Year: 2005
Runtime: 104 Minutes.
Genre: Thriller
Rating: R for disturbing violence, sexual content involving a teen and language.

Plot Synopsis: Fourteen year old, Hayley Stark, has been talking to a thirty-two year old photographer, Jeff Kohlver. After three weeks of ongoing flirtation, they decide to meet at a local cafe. The flirtation continues and Hayley proposes going over to his house. Playfully reluctant, Jeff agrees.
   Once there a game of cat and mouse starts. A game on the verge of torture. Hayley, the cat, drugs Jeff and accuses him of pedophilia. Jeff continually denies until the end.

The Good: The movie is good. Especially if you consider the budget and how long it took to shoot (18 days, $1 million.) It's not very often that you see a young woman taking the reigns of the crime, subtext, of pedophilia. Ellen Page does an amazing job portraying a young, innocent teen in the grips of an adult man with lust in his eyes. Equally giving props to Patrick Wilson. I can honestly say that every movie I watch, with him in it, I can only think of the creep he plays in Hard Candy. 
   The movie is filled with to the brim with thrilling movements. You don't know what exactly to expect with a teen at the hands of the terrorism. Page threw some curve balls, that even I wasn't expecting. I was never disappointed and glad that my father introduced the movie to me. Thanks Dad!
   The movie didn't take long to get to the suspenseful parts, only about twenty minutes. Once the suspense starts, it doesn't let up. Now I won't try to convince you this is a horror film, it isn't. This is a psychological thriller. It leaves the audience wondering the true identities of the characters and wraps up nicely at the end. This movie blew my mind away and left me only one unanswered question: Who the hell is that girl?
   The camera work was amazing. One needs to consider that they shot this from a distance and wasn't actually right up in their faces. The color draining and filling was nicely placed. I was pretty impressed with how things evolved and occurred. 
   It definitely makes the audience reconsider judging people at first glances. It also gives the audience of what could happen with meeting people online. I was impressed with how this small, innocent looking teen could take control over the situation, even when you think she didn't. 

The Bad: I can also understand the other side, the negative side, of the film. It does want answers to questions like "Who is that girl?", "Why is she involved in this?", etc. It doesn't give much of a background to Hayley and very little background to Jeff. As it does answer some questions in the end, but not all of them. 
    While, as a female, I easily rooted for Hayley and wanted Jeff to suffer. There were a few moments when I actually felt sorry for Jeff. This shouldn't really happen when you should be taking sides. Even if the pedophile tells you some horrible sob story. 
    If the audience looks at things a little more closely, than just the typical movie for enjoyment, the see a lot of faults. Hayley could carry the dead weight of a grown man? Does the director see that she probably weighs 90 pounds soaking wet? How could she have possibly planned everything to go this way? Seems unrealistic that she could do these things, even with drugging and tying him up. Not to mention that Hayley quickly moves past being the innocent teenage and into being someone way past her years. 
 The Ugly (Truth): Both sides have good arguments. I, honestly, think that it is the point of the movie. People everywhere aren't all about to agree on everything. We all know that won't happen. So it just comes down to what we, as individuals, think. So I advise you to go in, knowing that this movie could go either way with you. If you choose to look at it in the form of entertainment, as it is, or to take a more calculated, in depth look at everything, that plenty of people manage to do, it is up to you.
My Final Diagnosis:  Watch the movie. It can really open you mind, especially if you're into psychological thrillers. While there are negative aspects other audience members might think rule this film, I think this film is worth the watch. The audience can just overlook some of the neglectful things and just enjoy the film. I still found myself enjoying the movie, even though I can be over-analytical..

I could say you won't be disappointed, but I won't, as it just might be for you. I know I wasn't. This film is suppose to controversial and I will let it stand at that.  I would like to hear your opinions on it, though. 

Did you love or hate the movie, or anything in between? 
Next Post: As I said before, I am currently reading Deadline. I hope to finish is and plan for my next post to be the review of the book. I am still looking for ideas on fillers, so please feel free to leave me a suggestion here or on Facebook. Until next time, readers.

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