Saturday, June 16, 2012

Feed Book Review

Note: Please forgive my book reviewing format. I am trying to find a way I like to review the best. I am all up for suggestions from you guys. Not just for review formats but for books, as well. Just leave a comment for me on here or Facebook, if you have me added. Love to hear what you guys think.
Also, I know this one is early. I wanted to make up for Twilight being so late. Remember, as I am reading books, I will be posting fillers on whatever topic. Could be a hot topic, random, or suggested. Hope you guys enjoy this one.

Feed; A Book Review 

 Feed: Book 1 of Newsflesh Trilogy
Author: Mira Grant (Pseudonym for Seanan McGuire)
Genre: Science Fiction

Synopsis: Feed follows a trio of bloggers in a post-zombie apocalyptic world. Georgia (George) who likes to report the facts and is focused on getting to the truth of a story. Her brother, Shaun, who prefers the adrenaline-inspired chances to poke a zombie with a stick whenever the chance presents itself. Their friend, Buffy, who is a fiction writer. She writes poems and stories about whatever the hot topic of the hour is. 
   Twenty years after The Rising, in an America where zombies are part of everyday existence. The three bloggers are chosen to follow a senator on his path to become President. This also provides them with the opportunity to start their own blogging network, as opposed to writing for one. Along their journey, they encounter so much more than expected. A story of a lifetime, filled with politics, espionage, terrorism and murder. They will risk everything for the truth. 

Don't worry it has a good dose of zombies too! 

I love this book and am currently looking forward to reading the sequel. As in my previous blog, I will post reasons I feel that this book is amazing.

1. The characters are intelligently written. They are well rounded and their love and dedication doesn't become uncomfortable. A person can easily find them believable as they are neither dull nor perfect. I found myself identifying with them and even rooting for them.

2. An emotional attachment occurred because the characters were written well. I found myself feeling how each character felt. It was as if they were my friends. One cannot help but get emotionally attached. The blog entries between characters made it feel as if the reader is closer to them. This also made it harder to read some of the more difficult parts as they happened. Honestly, I found myself distraught to the point I couldn't continue (at least for a few moments).

3. The plot is amazing. Grant managed to keep me on my toes as I tried to figure things out along with George, Shaun and Buffy. I found that with all the twists and turns I was unable to predict what would happen next. This book keeps the reader wanting to read. I loved every moment of it. 

4. Zombies! Of course, anyone who knows me knows that this would make it on my list. However, it is more than just zombies. Instead of the book ending when the zombie arrive, that is where it picks up. More specifically 20 years after it occurred. Honestly, when I first picked up the books I thought the premise would be like any other zombie book I have read. Although, it did start out that way, but the more I read the more I realized that this wasn't a typical zombie book. I wasn't displeased with what I read. Even more to like, was the fact that the idea of the zombies rising was thought of as an era (much like The Great Depression). Even though this didn't turn out to be the zombie book I expected, it did have a good amount of zombies to ensure that the reader always knew that this was the life now.

5. This goes along with four. The world didn't end, like most books or movies might make it out to be. The Rising was an era and humanity suffered through it. They also survived and fought back, taking back cities, while others remained quarantined. Grant made something that potentially could have screwed humanity over big time into an amazing back-story. It also provided the the source for blogging becoming the way to receive news (and entertainment). 

6. The subtext of the book. George and Shaun show what loyalty, love and honesty are (among other things). They show that their dedication goes to no end. The truth is worth getting at all costs. This is something to live by. Now just to keep on, these are not just the qualities they exhibit. Determination, strength, teamwork, responsibility, and passion are others. These all being great qualities to admire in people. Just remember, I said they weren't perfect so be sure they have their faults and they do show.

7. Grant went the distance. What I mean is that to ensure that readers could understand how The Rising happened, Grant studied virology. Don't worry I won't give out too much information. I do want you to explore this world and discover things for yourself. To continue, Grant expanded beyond the idea of a zombie apocalypse and went into ways of adapting. For instance, the aspect of testing a person for the infection when a person leaves a quarantined zone. This made me stop and think "Why didn't I think of this?" I was fairly impressed.

My Final Diagnosis: Read it, right now! This book is well worth the time to read, whether you borrow or buy it. I would recommend this to any science fiction nut, especially if they enjoy a few zombies ;p. Feed grabs the readers attention and refuses to let go until the very end (and what an ending it is!). It had me in tears as I had to face the truth of the situation and wanting to know "why". So whatever you do, read it. You won't be disappointed.

Book 2 of the Newsflesh trilogy, Deadline, being read and a review to come soon (perhaps not the next one.)  

Next post will probably be a filler. Let me know in a comment, here or Facebook, what you would like it to be. I'll take a look by Sunday evening and come up with a topic. Hope you enjoyed this post :}


1 comment:

  1. My husband would LOVE this book. And me too! Thanks for the review :)
